Sunday Bed

January 25, 2015


I wish i could stay here forever in the Rocks, right next to the quiet and peaceful water, yet so close to Sydney business centres, i mean soooooo close, like 2 minutes walk from The Contemporary Art Museum, 4 minutes walk from Circular Quay Railway Station. it is too convenient and too cheap not to stay at the Rocks ! Maybe I should really consider buying house here !

Though couldn’t believe this is a slum and prostituting trades area in the 1970s, when the colony just landed this peaceful land, but look at this place now, Louis Vuitton and Dior… most luxury boutiques are here. Sandstones, arts and local cafes….





I have only started going to Rocks frequently since last year and I couldn’t believe I had been missing this place for years. It is at the north of the city, it is kind of like the distance between Dockland and Melbourne I guess, though right next to the city, but kind of hidden, weirdly peaceful and quiet, why ?? There are amazing spots like warehouses, da Rocks Market and so many themed cafes.

I was staying at The Harbour Rocks Hotel, the building was actually built in 1887, it is kind of theme and atmosphere one can not fake about, especially if it is so close to the city and everyelse are just new and modern buildings, and the great cafes which can only expect from Melbourne are suddenly all shows up in front of you at the rocks !


What I wear :

plain black underwear in size small : H&M

Noisy grey cashmere socks

Black Cracked Marble print Apple laptop case / protector : Beige Renegade Shop

My soft spot for a great outfit background is sandstone old buildings OR huge tropical trees,

The Rocks got me both….


Honestly da Harbour Rocks hotel is not the best 5 stars hotel I have ever stayed, but their atmosphere and location is definitely premium,  it is more of a artistic and romantic getaway place rather than Versace, 4 seasons kind of glamorous and  high-profile. It is perfect location for a early morning run around the harbour and pier, if you can over the weekend,  also can take the advantage of checking out the weekend stalls, Sydney local artists pop-ups and food market right downstairs. ( 2 mints walk from The contemporary Art Museum )



I actually saw the Asos marble print neoprene backpack a while ago through asos, i didnt buy them immediately, and only a few days later, they soldout! I was so upset ! then one day i went back they Suddenly had a few left so i bought it immediately. The overall quality of the backpack is actually pretty good, thick and structured neoprene, but the pilot flying jacket is bit disappointing, as the material is thin and looked cheap, the sleeves are too tight, hardly have another layers in ( knit or sweater ), but shoulder is pretty bulky, which means it is not really a great slim cutting neither, and the jacket is pretty long, made my legs looked super short.

I bought it only cuz it is neoprene and its my favourite dark grey colour.

I guess turning so purple Happens when trying to colour the neoprene to black, it happened on my custom made marble mouth pad as well… not black enough.


Cracked white marble print Neoprene backpack

Nike Runner

Uniqlo slim fit white long sleeves shirt


Men’s Black Damier iCare briefcase : Louis Vuitton

White rubber lace-ups shoes : Prada

 每次住harbour rocks 都想着要拍照, 但是总是忙到最后就没时间了。

这次总算是腾出点时间来记录一下这个小小的温馨的5星级酒店。 和其他悉尼奢华的大酒店不同,The Harbour Rocks是以隐蔽, 私密, 安静, 温馨为旗张的。 我最喜欢的是他的所在位置, 离市中心那么近但却价格合理,

感觉总是可以好好的休息休息。 我要是住个四季酒店,背心裤衩的怎么进得了大厅呢?

The Rocks 顾名思义, 就是石头区呗, 是殖民者最初登录澳洲的地方, 真是万万想不到这里以前是贫民窟吖, 是妓女们登录的地方, The Rocks 很多十分壮观的建筑都是Sandstone建成的, 值得一看。

其实从The RoCks的很多地方和角度都可以看到悉尼大桥的, 但是我从来没听说过很多人或者广告宣传the Rocks的, 也可能是我孤陋寡闻吧。

总而言之, 我是没走完, 很多地方还要拍照的。 太美了。 推荐推荐!

主要是石头去人少, 什么时候去都可以, 要去Bondi 拍照的话那人山人海的。


Ok, regarding the white shirt, I was buying it for a date lately, i didn’t own any simple plain coloured formal shirts actually, since Uniqlo was just downstairs from Rebel Sport at the Mid City, so I thought I would have a look, and that was my first time visiting Uniqlo. they have quite a collection of all the basic themes actually, from all colours of polos to all kinds of materials of white shirt, linen, soft white or crispy, you name it. they even have all colours of different washed denim shirt! I definitely will have to go back there !




Thanks for reading to the end…


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